Stores and Businesses in Gemert-Bakel

Gemert-Bakel is the welcoming and friendly shopping heart in the area. The surprising range of stores and specialty stores makes shopping a real pleasure. The cozy weekly market has numerous stalls selling, among other things, clothing and delicious fresh produce. In the cozy center are plenty of restaurants and terraces for a snack or a delicious cup of coffee. During the shopping Sundays you can even come on Sunday extra cozy shopping!


What exactly makes visiting the center of a village or town attractive to visitors? Is it the unique stores or catering establishments where you can grab a delicious bite to eat or stop for a coffee break? The convenience that you can park your car quickly and for free nearby and all amenities are within a stone's throw of each other? Or is it the many diverse activities organized throughout the year by enthusiastic and local entrepreneurs and many organizations with their volunteers? In Heerlijck Vrij Gemert-Bakel you will find it all and shopping becomes a pleasure. The weekly shopping night in Gemert-Bakel is on Fridays until 9:00 pm.

Markets - Here we are of all trades!

At the cozy weekly market in Gemert-Bakel you can store inexpensively. At the commodity markets you will find a diversity of stalls with clothing, flowers and delicious fresh products. But in the villages of Bakel, De Mortel, De Rips, Elsendorp, Handel and Milheeze a flea market, flea market, fair or bric-a-brac market is organized regularly. Look here for dates and times and find out: Gemert-Bakel is at home in all markets.

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